About Friends of the Nantucket Seniors

Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs, Inc.

“Friends of Nantucket Seniors”

NCEA Board Members 2023 - 2024


John Copenhaver, President

Jill Lentowski, Vice President

Jack Fritsch, Vice President

Elizabeth Braun, Treasurer

Bob Hall, Clerk


Zolton Bentus

Don Ryder

Kathie Batchelder

Merry Bouscaren

Gene Briskman

Phil Chomo

Rachel Mandel

Suzanne Fronzuto

Peggy Kaufman

Deborah Killen

Nanci Lee

Harry Mintz

Margot Montgomery

John Stover

Randy Wight

Note: The Annual Meeting of the NCEA Corporation takes place in July every year.